What is the mill roll?

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Mill roll material
Mill roll material and roller surface hardness

Introduction Mill roll

mill roll

Mill Rolls and roller bearings are important components in a rolling mill. In the rolling process, roll to metal direct contact with the rolling. Rolls cause the rolled metal to deform plastically. Various types of roller bearings supporting the rolls.

  • Roll Category: By rolling mill can be divided into panels and the steel mill roll mill roll two categories
  • steel mill roll body roll is a rolling groove, according to steel rolling process of arranging and size of pass1.1 Composition Roll

1.1  Composition Mill Roll

  • composed of the roll body roll, roll neck and the axis of the first of three parts. Roll neck bearings mounted in bearing and pressure through the device to pass a few rolling force. Connected to the shaft head and shaft connection, passing the rolling torque.
  • shaft there are three main forms: Plum shaft, cardan shaft with keyway or cylindrical shaft. Easy processing of the commonly used axis head with the platform.

1.2 Mill Roll dimensions

basic dimensions of the roll the name of parameters including roll diameter, barrel length, diameter and roll neck roll neck length.

mill roll

  • Nominal diameter and roll barrel length
    • Nominal diameter of roll
      • nominal roll diameter, the main parameters of both the rolling mill, roll size is the main parameter. When the roll diameter is determined, other parameters of the roll by the strength, stiffness, or structural limits are also identified. Roll steel mill is a hole in the body. Typically, the steel mill to the center distance as the gear housing nominal roll diameter, roll a groove diameter larger than its nominal working diameter. In order to avoid too deep groove cut into the slot, the roll diameter and work on behalf of the ratio of the diameter does not exceed 1.4.
      • Work roll diameter based on the maximum bite into the roll angle α and to determine the strength requirements.
    • Barrel length
      • Roll with a hole in the body depends on the length of pass configuration, the roll of the bending strength and stiffness. Therefore, the rough mill longer barrel roll in order to configure a sufficient number of pass; and finishing mill roll mill roll products in particular the shorter barrel, so that roll stiffness can be strengthened to improve the accuracy of product size
  • Roll neck diameter and lengthroll neck diameter and length of roller bearings in the form and work load related. Radial roller bearings due to size restrictions, roll neck diameter is much smaller than the diameter of the barrel. Therefore, the transition barrel roll at the neck and is often the worst place to roll intensity. As long as conditions allow, roll neck and roll neck diameter of the fillet and roll the body larger r should be selected.